About Us

History of Scenic Hills Youth Ranch

After growing up on a dairy farm in Wisconsin, Jocelyn (Dietsche) Prust, had been living and teaching in Orange County, CA for ten years when her father was hurt on the family farm back in Wisconsin. She came home to help with the farm in 2014 and resigned her teaching position in CA to stay and farm for the year. During that year, God showed Himself at every turn. Working with animals, being in nature, and riding horses were constant lessons of God’s provision, His care, and His healing. The lessons she knew in her head were cemented in her heart as she watched God work in small and big ways. She could see Him so clearly on the farm. They were dependent on Him every single day.

The following year, she was back in the classroom and realized she could not meet her students needs. The students were lonely and fighting to have someone recognize them. They lacked purpose, had anxiety and were sad. They needed more than a classroom could offer. They needed connection, belonging and purpose. They needed to know there was someone bigger who cared about them deeply and that He had a plan for their life. It was then God started calling her and she knew kids needed a place where they were known, wanted and loved in a way they had not experienced before. During this time, God moved her to a small school district in Wisconsin. She knew this move was going to allow her to start the calling God had placed in her heart and Scenic Hills Youth Ranch was born in 2018 to offer hope to kids and families who had forgotten it existed.

After being told by many she could not do this alone, (although she had her whole family and many volunteers behind her helping!) God had one more surprise. Just as miraculously, God brought her a lifetime partner in ministry one short year later-2019. While she didn’t know it then, they would date and be married in 2023. Many have been confused by Jocelyn’s new last name! Dan is celebrating his five year volunteer anniversary this year and Jocelyn jokes that he is now a lifelong volunteer at the Ranch! Truly, Dan has already been an incredible partner in ministry pouring his heart and love into the Ranch through his craftsmanship, vision, love of Jesus and passion for kids ever since he stepped foot on the Ranch. His easy and approachable demeanor make him a participant and volunteer favorite. It is an honor to serve together for the Kingdom.

John 3:30 {He must become greater; I must become less.}

May this verse guide our ministry at the Ranch and our marriage!

Board Members:

Jocelyn Prust–Founder/Director and Middle/High School Teacher

Heidi Ender–Retired City Assessor, City of Eau Claire, MBA

Deanna Gilane–Middle School At-risk and Special Education Teacher